My Mom… My Hero

I was commenting on another blog today about who my hero was and I decided I should post it here as well.

My mom has always been my hero. All throughout my life she has been supportive and inspiring to me. In the most recent years she has had to struggle with two major losses in her life, both her mother and her husband. She dealt with both deaths almost flawless and was a rock for me. Losing a parent is never easy. It was hard for me when my grandmother died because I worried about the feelings of my mother. She told me though that even though it was hard to say goodbye, she had so many great memories of her life that out weighed the sadness that she felt with her passing. I reminded her of this as well when we lost my dad last August. It was hard to do but she kept her head up high and decided some major decisions in life that were better for her in the end.

So with that I say that she is my hero. I look to her for guidance and the strength to get through the days.

Happy 4th of July!