Weight Loss Journey…Day 29: It’s going down again! Yay!

7/23/14 – Day 29

So it’s starting to go down again. I’ve started losing weight after focusing on my eating habits and started working out again. I haven’t made it back to the morning runs yet. I’m starting to look at other options for assistance to making my goal. I know that it’s been suggested to try fasting, I have to work on that especially on the weekends, but I’m so routine so I’m not sure I’m ready for that. Lately I have started to experiment with cucumber water before going to bed. It seems to be helping, I’ve lost weight even on the days that I didn’t work out. I hope that this is a good sign.

I’m thankful this night for ongoing support of the world of the internet. There is a gentleman on twitter, @mwintersfitness, that has been motivating and offered assistance. I’ll be looking at his page for further inspiration. He did an amazing transformation in 10 weeks and looks great. Once I get more towards my goal I will post a transformation post.

Starting Weight: 186.6


Breakfast: Shake approx. calories: 345

Lunch:carrots– approx. calories: 35

Snack:2 granola bars & pretzels- approx. calories: 500

Dinner:Panera Grilled Cheese and chips – approx calories: 740

Total consumed: 1620

Lunch time walk: 2.26 miles, 46:20 mins, approx burn: 235
Gym Time: Cross Ramp: 4.53 miles, 50 mins, approx burn: 503
Treadmill cool down, 1/2 mile, approx burn: 42

total burned: 780

Weight Loss Journey… The First 10 Days!


So it’s been 10 days since I started my 100 day journey to a new me. I thought I would take a moment and reflect on my journey so far.

The first couple of days was really hard, especially when try to get it going. I seriously had to take a moment, sit down and really think about if this is truly what I want to do. Was I ready and committed to make this change? Was my support system in place? These were some really big questions. I started added to this journey to my writing blog to be a motivator and keep me on track. It keeps me accountable. I know that my blog, My Thoughts and Dreams, is mainly for my everyday life and thoughts and I promise I won’t stop posting those as well, but daily I’m going to track my journey as well. It feels like a confessional and a group meeting all in one. I love it. I know that not everyone comments or “likes” the blog per day but I don’t mind. I do believe people are reading it and that keeps me going. The second thing is that I’m showing it to my friends and family. They are seeing the difference.

I’m getting used to getting up earlier in the day and doing a workout whether it be a run or an actual cardio workout. I really have stuck to my guns when getting to the gym after work as well. I didn’t let any excuses get me down. Over the course of the first 10 days I went a total of 6 days. That’s over 50% of the time. The weekend is harder but I’m working on it.

Over the course of the next 10 days I’ll actually be on vacation in a remote area with no gym. So my daily activities will have to do. I can do a standard cardio routine where I’m at including running, biking, and hiking.

So far I’ve lost a total of 5lbs. I think the first 10 days are the hardest and I know that I have a long way to go to reach my goal I will continue on this journey. I’ll keep posting and hopefully you all will keep reading because like I said you are all part of my support system. Thank you!

~ Rob

Weight Loss Journey…. Day 7: Thanks for being my motivators!

    Today is the 7th day of keeping track of my weight loss journey. I have to say that I’m amazed so far with my results. I weighed in for my daily check and since last week I am down just over 4lbs. I have been doing well with keeping track of everything and I find comfort in keeping the journal as well. I feel a bit of release sharing my thoughts and my adventure in this format. I’m glad that people are reading my words and encouraging me to keep going. They are keeping me motivated. It’s been a positive format of encouragement and I’m very excited to keep going. I can’t wait to see how far and how many days this journal will go. Just looking back one week has been an eye opener. Thank you for the support this far!

~ Rob


Starting Weight: 188.4


Breakfast – morning shake…approx calories: 345

Lunch – Green Giant steamers, broccoli, carrots, red & yellow peppers in a garlic herb sauce… approx calories: 100

Dinner – tortilla chips and salsa, approx calories: 200

Snack – 1 granola bars and pretzels: approx calories: 350

Total consumption for the day: 995


Morning Run: 4.24 miles, 45 mins, calorie burn: 610

Lunch time walk: 2.29 miles, 45:38 mins, calorie burn: 239

Gym Time:

Elliptical : 45 minutes, level 5, calorie burn: 410


Potential calorie burn: 1259